1. Open XD
  2. Set dimensions to 1000 width and 1000 height
  3. Double click "custom-1" to rename
  4. Rename artboard to My_Recreation
  5. Select the Triangle tool
  6. Create a triangle
  7. change the width to 198
  8. change the height to 191
  9. change the x to 209
  10. change the y to 179Select the Circle tool
  11. Create a circle
  12. change the width to 243
  13. change the height to 129
  14. change the x to 425
  15. change the y to 235
  16. Select the line tool
  17. Create a line
  18. change the width to 238
  19. change the height to 56
  20. change the x to 308.5
  21. change the y to 179.5
  22. Create a line
  23. change the width to 136
  24. change the height to 4
  25. change the x to 406.5
  26. change the y to 370.5
  27. Select the rectangle tool
  28. Create a rectangle
  29. change the width to 526
  30. change the height to 198
  31. change the x to 197
  32. change the y to 385
  33. Observe your new modern art piece. This will be placed in the Louve in approximately 253 days
  34. Click hamburger in top left
  35. Select Export
  36. Select All Artboards
  37. Format should be PNG, Export for Design, designed at 1x, exported to pictures.
  38. Open Web Browser
  39. Navigate to Live.com
  40. Sign into mason email
  41. Select New Message
  42. In the "To" line type "lglovask@masonlive.gmu.edu"
  43. On the "add a subject" line type "My recreation"
  44. Click paperclip to attach file
  45. click "browse this computer"
  46. Navigate to Pictures
  47. select "My_recreation.png"
  48. Click open
  49. Click Send

Original image

Orginal image

Sina's Recreation

Sina's recreation

Jenny's Recreation

Jenny's Recreation